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Unusual occurance

This is the first time I have seen this. Anyone else seen anything like it? It's a N. aristolochioides if that makes any difference.

Tony, i have seen an N.lowii that had two growing points it was the first one i tried to grow. i'll see if i can find the picture of it and post it later. i beleave it is from the growing point breaking at one time or another. take speical care of that one i do beleave that when they are small and hen they are split like that, that they are weeker than one with a single growing point. kool pic

here ya go hard to tell from the pic that it has 2 growing points
Wow that has grown alot since the last time I saw it! Did you watch this develope Tony?
That's really cool. Could be that you gave it such good conditions it decided it could support two growth points.
Matti, I doubt it is going to flower due to the fact it is an immature plant. Maybe got an extra dose of hormones and stuff in tissue culture caused it to split? Tony should help you out more on the plant size and age.
Here's another unusual occurance:

Twins on the same leaf

