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Cold night humidity

Has anyone ever tried putting a chunk of ice(from pure water, of course) of maybe half the resevoir size(along with water) of a cool air humidifier to use on highland plants? Or anything along those lines?


I have tried it a while back, last summer as a matter of fact. My N. rajah loved it, but that was when it was 5cm across now it is not possible to do it that way becasue now it's size of 18cm across is impractical to cool that way and besides I need the humidifier for the lowland chamber!
I would back up your idea becasue it seemed to work very well provided you don't flood your terrarium with the large fog output of these devices (if you're using a terrarium).

Actually I was thinking of a small grow chamber, maybe 4' x4'x4' , with a slit cut into the covering to insert the output of the humidifier.


Ah you'd be all set then. I am having trouble with high humidity in my growchamber...well it IS my first one that I made. Next one and next one should be better form learned mistakes. The tough part is covering the darn things with plastic.
I used staples to attach it but against wood and that doesn't make a very good seal at all. I am considering silicone to seal the inside seam of it...this would ensure an almost 100% seal and thus, locking humidity in much better.
Wow, that sounds like a great solution to the problem of cooling off my plants during the san diego summers. I can do this with a cool mist humidifier right? And how many degrees do you think it can cool a small room by?

I don't know if a humidifier will cool a room that much, even a small one. You might have to go the air conditioner routhe for that.
My thought on this was that in some of these highland locals, it is common for the temp to drop and the humidity to go up, and this might help in both of those. it's high maintenence, but I am never going to have a self-sufficient greenhouse with triple back-up solutions to all failures, ect,ect.


Sorry to change from the original topic; but NepG---try double sided tape for putting the plastic to the wood frame. Works better than silicone, I think. Also for the plastic, are you using the window covering plastic that you heat with a hairdryer and shrinks the plastic tight? Its really clear and air tight when done this way. I enclosed in a three shelf system with it last year and was really pleased with the humidity levels I received. (Although don't ask me what it was cause the old memory ain't what it use to be on specifics LOL)
Joe, haha true indeed, I don't think a self-sufficent greenhouse exists! lol.

Linda, I'm using some of the leftover plastic that we trimmed away from the greenhouse covering so it's 6 mill poly I have covering the chamber..Hmm the shrink plastic sounds good but you'd ruin it the first time you went and opened the front flap to care for your nepenthes in there.