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Requeste for propagational experiment.

Hello, I would like to request a propagational experiment to be done by someone with an extra vine they need to cut and wouldn`t mind experimenting.
Here is the procedure I`m requesting:

Leaf bud cuttings,
Take a stem and cut leafs off with there stem by cutting just above the leaf on the stem leaving the section of stem,and there fore the dormant bud, with the leaf. Cut the leaf in half. Then dust the cut ends with rooting hormone. Now insert the leaf bud cuttings in your normal propagational media.
Keep very humid and in bright(but not direct) light.

I`m pretty sure this would work but just dont have a Nep big enough to try this(my Neps are still cute little rosettes).
If it does work it should produce lots of small plants,as each leaf bud cutting should produce one plant.

Thank-you very much,
Noah A.K.A. pond boy.
Uh not sure I understand what you mean..
Do you mean to just cut the vine into single node pieces?  Or to remove the leaf and section of stem but not cut the vine totally in half?

Well in either case I don't see the point since you can cut a vine into single node pieces and root them to start new plants.
That's the way I make vine cuttings (from single node pieces) but I leave 1-2" of stem on the lower portion of the single node (and half leaf). I skin or score the buried stalk with a scalpel so there is a sturdy stalk underground that will easily send out new roots. It is especially important for fast growing vine cuttings that the cutting makes these horizontal (stabilizing) roots early on. These roots will come out from that buried portion of stalk.

The method you are proposing (just gouging out the dormant node section of a stem and rooting it) might lead to plants with very shallow root systems. They could easily flop over if bumped or blown by a breeze since there would be no (or very few) stabilizing roots.
Actually I was meaning single node cuttings. Thank-you for the speedy responses! I didn`t realize this has already been tried.

normally I make two vertical slices in the stem to promote rooting. Cutting the leafes by half isn't helpful from my experience. I place the cuttings in pure LFS beeing only moist. Under very high humidity (enclosed bag) roots will start to form after few weeks:


Cheers Joachim
Cool,thanks for the tips and pic! I`ll have to try this in a few years when my plants vine (if I find it necesary to prune back the stem).:p