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I've got good news too!

The U. multifida I have grown from seed from the ICPS seed bank is sending up a scape! Now I just have to figure out how to make it produce seed.
That's great news! I wish you sucess on the seed making!
That would be the FKA Polypompholyx, correct?

Do you think you could manage some pictures of the traps? I am so curious as to what they look like, the diagram in the Pietropalo's book struck my interest.
Nice work Tim! Did the U. tenella seed I sent do anything for you? I will never forgive Taylor for doing away with Polypomphlox and reducing the genus to simply Utricularia. The plants seem so different from most Utricularia, and it was a fun name.

I flowered this once from seed as well, but the plants did not produce seed for me. Good luck with your efforts, and congratulations. Take photos!!!
I let my guard down for a bit on the U. tenella and U. violacea and they succumbed to the slime. I will see what I can do about photographing the traps. Might be tricky though.

I think that there is a good picture of the traps in the second Slack book. Impossible to purchase, of course, but your local library may have a copy.
The first of the flowers came out today. They are really impressive. Even nicer than they look in pictures. The detail along the palate ridge is amazing. They are smaller than I thought that they would be. For some reason I pictures them being about the same size as U. dichotoma, but they are more on the scale of U. sandersonii, but with very fine peduncles.

I have tried pollinating them with a small piece of fishing line. Hopefully it will do the trick.
Fishing line! Brilliant!!! I bet it might just work on the Pinguicula as well. Thanks for the idea! I will try this on the plants in flower now, and update here. Now why didn't I ever think of that?