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OH NO!!!!!!!!!!

My yeast/sugar/water CO2 reactor overflowed into my aquarium with my aquatic CPs (Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Utricularia radiata). I was in the shower when it happened, so I wasn't able to stop it. The water is now cloudy and there is a yeasty cloud at the bottom of my aquarium. :/ Will this cause a problem for my aquatic CPs? I'm sure the Daphnia in there will love the yeast, but what about my plants? Please help!

Right this second you need to pull your plants out and get them in clean water. Yeast are insidious and will grow exponentially until they suffocate everything in the tank. The addition of everything might also set conditions up for an algae bloom and algae is really dangerous to your plants.

Dump the tank, water, peat and all. Rinse clean at least 3 times, you might want to consider a salt scrub as well, take a handfully of table salt and rub it on all the surfaces and rinse a bunch (the salt will rinse away and does not leave a residue, I know from experience.) Set up the tank again using new water and new peat. Rinse your plants a couple times (to get the yeast off them) and place them back in.

Gah, that sux.
Here's some pitty......

-------> <--------

Goodluck havron!
Thanks Pyro, everything seems to be ok now for the time being. I will let you know how everything turns out. I'm exhausted (read my post on the General Discussions forum).

Parasuco: Thanks for the pity.
What exactly do those two arrows symbolize, btw? *scratches head*
They are pointing to the copious amounts of pity between them. CANT YOU SEE IT ALL?
? Its pink and fluffy...

I'm a pitty.... hhh.... who.......... rrrrrrrr...
am i allowed to say that word here?
I'll have pitty if you have some to spare... I DID give you alot...