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Ok. Yesturday, I noticed that these plants growing in my D. aliciae pot were flowering. I had always known they were there, but never payed much attention to them. Then, when I looke at the flowers I said, " hay,... these are blatterworts! "
I recognized them from a book, and was surprised that I didn't notice it before
. Anyway, are these easy to care for? I don't know a thing about them, exept for their carnivorous nature. The flowers are white, with purple at the end, and a yellow center. Small, but attractive
. Thanks.
If you're feeling sad or hurt
You ought to try a bladderwort
cause when your problems start to bury ya
its therapeutic to grow utricularia
Mr. Dawnstar:  Oh, Brother!  

   Were you able to identify the species?  There's a couple of good photo galleries on the web that could help.  You have to go by the flower in most cases.  Anyway, the one terrestrial I have is quite easy (I have U. Livida).  I pretty much just leave it alone and let it do its thing. It's still in the pot it came in, and I have it in a tank. Flowers like mad.
It isnt a u.subulata is it nathaniel? That punk is a WEED.
