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The big chill

I've had my dormancy-requiring plants placed outside for over a month now, letting them get used to the drop in photoperiod and the supposed steady drop in temps. It hasn't worked that way this year.

We maintained a steady too-warm 60-70F up until two days ago. Then the massive cold front blew through, and dropped temps to below freezing literally overnight.

I managed to get my 'coldframe' up for the plants the next day. It doesn't affect the temps much, but it keeps things nudged above a hard freeze and stops the wind. The Sarrs seem unaffected, but the VFTs all collapsed. They all wilted all at once.

There's nothing more I can do for them now. I just hope that they make a comeback in spring. Anyone care to expound on their chances?
If the VFT rhizomes are still white, they should be fine. Brown and mushy = bad.
The same thing that happened to you happened to me. Are you close to Wisconsin?
I live in the SW corner of Indiana. The same cold front hit you that hit me, you probably missed the tornados we got though...

I haven't unpotted the VFTs to check on them. I figure I can just wait and see if they come back in spring. I'm afraid the unpotting would do more harm than good right now.
Shooot, the same thing happened to me in south Louisiana! one day the high was 85F, the next 63F, and then BAM it dropped into the 20's last night!
I came back home after being out of town and found my VFT sitting in trays of ice.
Here in California we've had steady 60's to 70's during the day and getting as low as 50 during the night. It's better here. There hasn't been such a drastic change in temperature like you've had. I hope it'll steadily drop in temperature. My VFTs haven't gone dormant yet, and they're outside too!