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VFT Tree


OMG h8 pings
I was going through some of my photos of 2008 and this was a photo that I snapped while working at a nursery for a day in California.

This topic has come up in the past, but I never got to see one before first hand. This is a VFT growing 'tree like' from the flower stalk.<table style="width: auto;"><tbody><tr><td>
</td></tr><tr><td style="font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; text-align: right;"><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/pofHW_lX-DvFSaVKjaUq1A?authkey=Ds-rmtRCgms&feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PMY_wtnw6jQ/SYvBdmda5OI/AAAAAAAAATU/PtwfR9U4reQ/s400/P9100850.JPG" /></a>
I can't wait to see that first hand. I've not had that happen in any of my plants yet...
I wish I would have posted it when my conversation with the grower was more fresh in my memory. However I believe he said this tends to happen when they bloom in cooler conditions for him. He had at least 5 plants growing like this. The plant does not continue to respond like this, and may go in and out of "tree phase" between the years.

While I was, "omg fun!" the grower was more, pa say... "ah yes, they tend to do that from time to time."

Oh~ that is really amazing !! Haha~
Thanks for sharing.
Neato! :D I would love to have that happen to me.
Perhaps if people continuously interbreed all of the plants that show this trait, someday we'll have one that does it regularly.
Andy, Owner of the forum had a dentate or two that did this.