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Spring is here :D(pic intense)

All my plants have started growing like crazy now that spring is here!








What is that weird cup shaped VFT? It's really cool..
When I bought it the guy just called it a cupped vft. Got it for $7 on ebay
Very nice CoppyCat! Man, I can't wait for spring to fully arrive here. It looks like it's going to be delayed again this year. Most of my plants are still hunkered down in their dormant growth mode, but just starting to put out new growth and larger traps. I'm growing more and more impatient by the day!
What is that weird cup shaped VFT? It's really cool..
That's the official culitvar 'Cupped Trap'. If you bought it off of eBay it was probably a seller that got it from Agristarts, a tissue culture company that mass propagates and distributes that clone.
Well lucky for y'all I'm putting one up for the NASC auction :p

I really like your redder VFTs - are they Green Dragon?
It's baiscally Summer here highs in the 80s and lows in the 50s. Nice VFT looks like you will be getting some nice flowers soon i almost did on one VFT but it wasn't doing to well and if had let it grow it would have probably died so i had to cut it off nice looking VFT keep up the good work.
Love the shap of the 4th flytrap from the top.
