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Dead bodies

  • Thread starter Lauderdale
  • Start date
I have noticed a couple of threads regarding removing the wasted bodies of insects that VFTs have eaten.  I have occasionally used a water spray bottle to remove some from my traps but others are “stuck” and using a toothpick would probably cause the trap to close.
My question; is it really necessary to remove the corpses?
No, i just leave them there, they attract other bugs
Thanks Grim,
I kinda figured it wasn't necessary...since no one goes wading about the swamps where they grow to clean up after them.
LOL good point, Lauderdale
I've been wading arou....Uh, when I get back to town I'm going to tell those guys a thing our two before we go Snark hunting.

I believe that is called "Snipe" hunting Carnivour Kid.
It gets kinda lonely and spooky sitting out in that swamp, holding a bag and waiting for all those Snipe to run into it.