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Parts of vft

which part is a rhizome? a leaf? and a petiole? sorry, I'm not too familiar with plant life
The rhizome is the bulb part beneath the soil.
The leaf is the green part that does photosynthesis and the petiole is the section that attaches the leaf to the bulb (I think).

my understanding is that the "leaf" is the actual "trap" on a vft, and the petiole is the "stem" that attaches the bulb and the trap.

another misunderstanding that a few people have had with vfts is with the trigger hairs , its easy to get confused with the row of spikes on both side of the vft . the trigger hairs are in the trap , they are very small and a few are only present on the trap , the spikes on the side of the trap which act like cage bars when the trap snapes shut are known as cilia .