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history of the VFT


got another wee question here. I dont know much about the natural habitat of the VFT.  I know that its found in Carolina but over what kind of area? also what conditions do they grow in naturally, boggy, mountainous, or what? I take it their soil type is normally peat?Whats the climate like there? Any info would be great! ta  

I certainly like the format of the VFT webpage. You very thoroughly discuss these plants. Although, there are a few things that I've found to be questionable.
You discuss the need to stratify VFT seeds (ie:place the seeds on moist paper for cold storage). While Sarracenia seeds have much better germination with stratification, VFTs have excellent germination without stratification. Place the seeds in a pot after harvest and you'll have germination in about a month.
You also mention the need to cross genetically different plants in order to get seed production. I've found this to be false. I've produced seed when crossing flowers from the same stalk.
Finally, I've never heard of "thousands of Dollars" of fines per plant for poaching plants from the wild. This amount is greatly inflated. In fact there are circumstances where VFTs can be legally collected from the wild. While there are rumors of commercial poaching, thankfully, this has been greatly curtailed. By far the greatest threat to wild VFTs, and also Sarracenia, is habitat destruction. Coastal NC/SC is greatly being developed into homes and golf coarses. Damage done to VFT populations by poaching will never equal the damage done by habitat destruction.
As I've mentioned, the overall webpage is very informative. I just want to mention a few quesitonable statements.

This is an interesting point;

Here is another concern of mine of the preservation of the species.

With all the cultivars and some questionable cultivars going on; I'm afraid that some day, we will have frail plants that may have a host of inherent problems in the quest for the reddest, biggest, etc.. and we find ourselves without the 'original' to fall back on. As these plants live and thrive in only approx. 70 mile area in the Carolinas, If the natural habitat destruction is likely imminent in a few decades, if not by population, but by a slight global variance cause by mankind, that may dry up the bogs, make them too wet, then I feel very sad, for I love this unique plant. This is a very small piece of real estate, with exacting conditions. I would hate to solely rely on Nursuries to be the guardian of this precious plant.

EXOTIC GARDENS EXCLUDED, (having talked to them) alot of nursuries are driven by profits, and will call anything out of the ordinary a 'cultivar' hoping to pump up sales and have one up on the competition. This is the WRONG REASON to be in this business. Sure, you want to make money, but not at the expense of the species survival.

I'm just afraid that some day, no one will want the classic because it is not 'interesting' enough and they will fall by the way side by our own Vanity.

You may say that there is too many out there to worry about; in nature and test tube; but there were literally hundreds of millions of Passenger Pidgeons. Lookig up at the blackened sky of the migrating birds; one would be sure that extinction would be impossible. Where are they at today?

What is going to be the next Cultivar; a petiole with two traps, that won't function properly, but will win a Blue Ribbon?
Maybe one that chews and swallows?

I own cultivars and I own originals; I like them all; but I hope to keep things in perspective.

I would like some opinions, as I'm very open minded.


Goldslinger, you certainly raise an interesting point. Anyone that has spent time "in the field" knows the tremendous diversity and variation encountered. Differences can be seen in size, shape and color, but all are efficient at survival. Some of the "mutants" in cultivation today would have a hard time surviving in the wild. The mutants would ultimately become extinct in the wild. We all tend to pamper our plants and offer the best conditions for our plants. In the wild these plants have to compete with thick vegetation, like wire grass, for light. In addition the competing vegetation consumes water, making a drought that much worse. A situation that also threatens these plants in the wild is fire suppression. First the grasses dominate, followed by the bushes and trees. Before too long the VFTs and Sarracenia are shaded and dried to the point of perpetual dormancy or death. This is all discouraging, but it's also the natural cycle. These plants have adapted to this to become what we recognize today. Certainly, the genetically uniform plants that we are creating in the lab are great for satisfying commercial needs, but they will never replace what is/was of coastal NC/SC. We need to preserve the habitat.
