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i know there has been quite a few posts about white fuzzy mold on the peat moss but im still having problems so if you could bear with me and hopefully help me id be very grateful:
i first orderd a sundew, red dragon, and a green dragon they wound up getting that unholy white fuzzy stuff on the peat, i found out it was due to the lid on my terrarium so i removed it and treated my plants it went away
. so i ordered a common VFT, i treated it and put it in with the others, with in a few days it grew the mold, i treated it a dozen times in 2 weeks, and it kept comming back. then i did a total soil transplant, and with in a few days it came back again. it ended up taking over the peat moss and i had to plant it out side where it died. now i ordered a dente (i got 3 insted of 2, thanks guys) and it to is getting that mold. and it wont go away even when i treat it with Bonomyle.
my questions are:
1. how can only one plant in the same enviroment as 4 others be the only one with soil mold.

2.whats a good fungicide the WILL destroy this stuff?

3.since my first 4 were perfect and still are mold free, is it possible the mold is comming from petflytrap?

this is my setup:
5 plants in a 10 gallon aquarium, 2 24inch 20 watt grow lights for 15 hours a day. temp is 76 at night and around 82-83 during the day. the humidity varies but is around 45% during the day and 50%-55% at night the terrarium does not have a lid but i put on aluminum foil reflectors that hang from the shop light to about 3\4 of an inch above the terrarium on both sides (front and back) with the left and right sides open.
there is a fan circulating air in my room all night and a good part of the day.
i dont know why i cant get rid of it or whats causing it but any info that helps me banish this stuff will be a blessing.
The only thing I can think of is that there is no drainage it the fish tank. When I first started growing CP's I put them in a non draining container, and I later learned that drainage is key in growing these plants, some people have had success with non draining containers, but I have not. As soon as I put my CP's into a draining container, and put them outside they started thriving. They have been doing very well ever since then, and that was a while ago
I have noticed the same thing in pots that dont have drain holes. I had a vft in a pot that had no drain holes and there was some weird looking mold that would grow on top of the soil. I scraped all the stuff off the top and poked drain holes in the bottom and the stuff never grew back.

Also the 2 green dragons that I bought from petflytrap, the same white fuzzy stuff started to grow on the soil. I just scraped it off and it hasn't grew back yet (if it will). That was about 2 weeks ago.
the plants are still in there original 3 inch pots they came in from here, i only put them in the tank to provide better light and humidity for the sundew. they all have drainage but like i said only the last few plants i ordered have this mold.
i just checked my plants again and that crap is back.. obviously "bonomyle" is a garbage fugicide. but the only thing that can explaine this mysterious white crap is its coming from petfytrap. my first 4 are still fine but not my newest one.