TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hi everyone!
My name is Zach, in case you couldn't tell from my cryptic username, and I am rather new to this whole carnivorous plant thing. What started as a fascination for the unusual has, in five short months, become a full-fledged addiction.
As of right now, my grow list is as follows...
Hello all!
Okay, so for a while I've been making posts about how I am planning on doing another few giveaways, and I have decided that instead of doing all of them in separate threads in different weeks, I'm going to do one major giveaway right here.
For all who know me well (and those who can...
Hey all I'm looking for plants of Nepenthes campanulata and N. gracilis var. nigropurpurea. I'd prefer established plants but might go for a cutting. Campanulata hybrids might interest me too. Check out my Grow List for items I have available to trade.
Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing.
They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves.
About 10 years later ......
Natural light levels
March 2014
Bright light all day without direct sunlight on plants.
All of my Neps are in natural light so I took readings using a light meter. The first reading was taken at 10am and by 4pm, the light level has gone up by at least 2000 lux at the shadiest spot and at the...
santa give you a lump of coal? well don't worry i got your back.
pick a number 1-15 and you will be in the running to receive a nepenthes basal....and if you looked at my last basal you will see that they are very mature and i should probbaly call em small plants! lol. winner to pay for...
I have the following neps I would like to sell or trade:
will post pics soon.
'Effulgent Koto' This cutting is over a foot tall.
black gracilis x mirabilis very nice looking hybrid, small rooted cutting
mirabilis x alata close to 6 inches tall i believe.
I am looking for nepenthes...
Alata (unknown variety)
Bicalcarata sri aman
Mirabilis Thai
Mirabilis Au Cape York
Mirabilis Viking
Gracilis red
Gracilis nigropurpurea (male)
Albomarginata green
Sanguinea red
Veitchii pink
Veitchii Bau
Veitchii Mt Murudu sarawak
Ampullaria Green...
I have quite a few nepenthes I would like to trade. I am only interested in Lowland, Lowland hybrid or lowland tolerant nepenthes or sarracenia.
All are rooted cuttings varying in size:
effulgent koto
distillatora rubra x ventricosa red
maxima x alata striped
alata x mirabilis
I felt the need to move one of more recent neps to a different spot and one of my older neps as well. I decided to give the wriggleiana more shade and the L X H veitchii more light. My little grow chamber is starting to show more green in it. :)
Also I am pleased to report that the average...
1. Robcantleyi QOH X KOS
2. Spathulata X Robcantleyi KOS
3. Robcantleyi QOH X Maxima
4. Maxima X Robcantleyi KOS
5. Densiflora X Robcantleyi KOC
6. Bellii X Robcantleyi KOS
7. Ventricosa X Robcantleyi KOS
8. Maxima X Platychila
9. Petiolata X Burkeii
10. Truncata 'E' (Prodigy of two...
I have a few lowland neps that have basals and vines to cut and was hoping to expand my collection. I am looking for lowland and lowland hybrids the ones I am seeking most are: N. Sumatrana, N. Ampullaria harlequin, N. belli, and N. hookeriana var harlequin
First I have a beautiful hybrid. It...
I have a few lowland neps that have basals and vines to cut and was hoping to expand my collection. I am looking for lowland and lowland hybrids the ones I am seeking most are: N. Sumatrana, N. Ampullaria harlequin, N. belli, and N. hookeriana var harlequin
First I have a beautiful hybrid. It...
Sounds silly but I gave mine away a couple of years ago and now that I've decided to set up a LL tank I wish I had kept a cutting.
I can trade cutting for cutting from a mirabilis or a red leopard
S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
Looking for:
Lecanopteris, any species.
Multiple Drosera tubers, any species.
Drosera schizandra.
Ant plant species other than Myrmecodia beccarii, tuberosa.
For trade I have:
young Myrmecodia beccarii pink fruit variety
mature Drosera filiformis "Florida All-Red"
mature filiformis var...
I'll have 2 batches of N. rafflesiana seeds ready starting about 2 weeks from now. The first batch (2 weeks later) has raff, and raff x gracilis. The second batch (2 months later) is entirely raff. 4x more seeds than the first.
I am thinking to pack about 100 seeds each packet. Let me know if...
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