I'm sorry for the incredible bad images, my hobby isn't really photography. I just wanted to post pictures of my neps, instead of always asking everyone to show of theirs, thought i could grab my chance as I was watering. Also, I guess I'll use this thread to update on my plants as well as the growing spaces as times goes by. For the first run, these are most of my hybrids and easier Nepenthes
I bought this under Nepenthes 'Samanatha'. I couldn't find anything on Samantha, but it looks like N. 'Louisia', an hybrid between N. 'Judith Soper' and N. Hirsuta. It has the biggest pitcher of any of my plants so far, they're about 20cm.
I'm usually growing these in intermediate to highland conditions. They have experienced quite warm nights as the temprature this summer has been of the charts here for the past 2-3 months. But as an experimentalist it's interesting to see how they cope, especially the rajah x mira.
N. Rajah x Mira
N. Spathulata x Robcantleyi
N. Burkei x Hamata
N. Burbidgea x campanulata, I really like this hybrid. As with most of the neps I've uploaded, it's quite a easy grower and has beautiful folliage and pitchers
N. Truncata, this is doing quite good in highland to intermediate. I do grow lowlanders as well, but I read somewhere that it do just fine as an intermediate/HL. It's putting out bigger leaves and pitcher about once every two-three weeks. So i guess it's doing allright.
N. Maxima 'wavy leaf'
Starting to show off the 'wavy leaf' trait
Some lowlanders
N. Bellii. I got this pretty beat up. I've also heard it's quite a hard nut to crack, so it should be fun seeing how long i can manage to grow it
N. Bicalcarata, my first forming pitcher.
I just got an shippment from carnivoresandmore, which sent me amazing plants, whom I'm waiting for to settle in. With all the bonus it really filled up my growing space. (as a well satisfied european customer I have to give them credit. If this don't comply with the forums rules, please notify me and I'll delete it). I'll post some more pictures sooner or later.
Thanks for looking and don't be to harsh with the critique!
I bought this under Nepenthes 'Samanatha'. I couldn't find anything on Samantha, but it looks like N. 'Louisia', an hybrid between N. 'Judith Soper' and N. Hirsuta. It has the biggest pitcher of any of my plants so far, they're about 20cm.
I'm usually growing these in intermediate to highland conditions. They have experienced quite warm nights as the temprature this summer has been of the charts here for the past 2-3 months. But as an experimentalist it's interesting to see how they cope, especially the rajah x mira.
N. Rajah x Mira
N. Spathulata x Robcantleyi
N. Burkei x Hamata
N. Burbidgea x campanulata, I really like this hybrid. As with most of the neps I've uploaded, it's quite a easy grower and has beautiful folliage and pitchers
N. Truncata, this is doing quite good in highland to intermediate. I do grow lowlanders as well, but I read somewhere that it do just fine as an intermediate/HL. It's putting out bigger leaves and pitcher about once every two-three weeks. So i guess it's doing allright.
N. Maxima 'wavy leaf'
Starting to show off the 'wavy leaf' trait
Some lowlanders
N. Bellii. I got this pretty beat up. I've also heard it's quite a hard nut to crack, so it should be fun seeing how long i can manage to grow it
N. Bicalcarata, my first forming pitcher.
I just got an shippment from carnivoresandmore, which sent me amazing plants, whom I'm waiting for to settle in. With all the bonus it really filled up my growing space. (as a well satisfied european customer I have to give them credit. If this don't comply with the forums rules, please notify me and I'll delete it). I'll post some more pictures sooner or later.
Thanks for looking and don't be to harsh with the critique!
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